Try as you might to push forward on your new book manuscript, you instead find yourself hopelessly stuck in a revolving cycle of plot clichés. All attempts to create a compelling and original story idea have thus far failed, putting you further and further behind on...
How To Outline a Book Readers who devour new books look forward to heading into unknown territory. The author has provided them with an opportunity to learn something new, whether it is through a vivid story, a memoir, new recipes, or a financial “How To” manual....
Your masterpiece is finally completed! After pouring your heart and soul into your first foray into authorship, you are ready to embark on the self-publishing journey. At the behest of some sage wisdom received, you have hired a professional to tackle the cover design...
Publishing a book is a big achievement — one that several aspiring authors strive for throughout their lifetimes. But when push comes to shove, and an author needs support, they look to ghostwriters. What are ghostwriters? And how much does a ghostwriter cost? This...
That blank Word document looms large on your computer screen. It almost seems to taunt you — go ahead, try to write something, anything. If you are in the midst of writing a book but are plagued with a bad case of writer’s block, you are no doubt feeling a bit...
1. When did you first know you wanted to be a writer? Since my youth in high school, I’ve enjoyed writing as sports editor and editor-in-chief of my school paper. My inspiration grew further during my brief internship for a local newspaper in Philadelphia. I...