Marketing Services
Our Marketing Bundles
With the help of Gatekeeper Press marketing services, authors can increase their visibility, build a loyal fanbase, and effectively gain greater readership. We’ll provide the necessary tools and strategies to promote your book, reach your target audience, and turn interest into sales. Scroll down for details about each service.
Press Release
- Creation of Press Release and Eye-Catching Visual
- Distribution of Press Release
- Targeted Audience:
- Press Release to up to 3,100 book-related contacts and media outlets
- targeted Press Release to contacts likely interested in your story
Social Media Marketing
- New Release Post (or Reannounce Existing Title Post)
- My Publishing Journey Q&A
- My Publishing Journey Video
- #GatekeeperPressFamily Post
- Hot Off-the-Press Story Post
- Book Recommendation Post
- Unboxing Video
Marketing Bundle #1
- Social Media Marketing
- Syndicated Column to 2,000 Newspapers
- Video Book Trailer
- Sell Sheet
- Publishers Weekly (PW) Marketing:
- ad in PW print and digital editions
- home page of
- six month digital subscription to PW
- free copy of the PW print issue in which your listing appear
- home page of
- BookLife’s weekly email newsletter to 23,000 recipients
- BookLife’s Twitter and Facebook channels
- one year digital subscription to PW Select monthly supplement
- BookLife Review to appear in print and digital editions of PW
Marketing Bundle #2
- Everything in Bundle #1
- NY Post Showcase Ad
- TV Interviews Around the Country
- Facebook Live Interview
- Dedicated eBlast to 15,000 Readers
Promotion through Gatekeeper Press Social Media
Our comprehensive package is fully customizable to meet your promotional needs, regardless of your book’s publication date. Gatekeeper Press will create seven creative assets with calls to action to help promote your book on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. The assets are then yours to keep and use as often as you want.
We’ll help you reach a wider audience, plus you can meet with our Director of Marketing for personalized strategies. Don’t wait; start promoting your book today with Gatekeeper Press!
Publishers Weekly Marketing
Publishers Weekly is the authority on book publishing. It is the most powerful and influential brand serving all segments involved in the creation, production, marketing and sale of the written word in book, audio, video and digital formats. Founded in 1872 and published continuously since then, Publishers Weekly’s weekly print edition boasts 68,000 readers–booksellers, publishers, public and academic librarians, wholesalers, distributors, educators, agents and writers. Featuring highly influential announcements issues, breaking news, exclusive author interviews, original research and industrywide surveys, leading columnists, retail news, U.S. and international trade show reporting and special supplements covering printing and publishing activity in international regions including Asia and Europe, PW is the most visible and trusted publication in which to market your book. PW’s hefty reviews sections, covering 9,000 books, e-books and audiobooks annually, is critical to booksellers and librarians for evaluating, purchasing and stocking titles. had 10 million unique visitors last year and more than 27 million page views…and it’s growing. Industry insiders, consumers and other visitors come to the Publishers Weekly website for up-to-the-minute news, exclusive website-only content, PW’s popular blogs, podcasts, webcasts and live events, as well as the PW reviews database of 200,000+ titles. Ten e-newsletters extend PW’s reach further into the market, including the consumer realm—PW Daily, Tip Sheet, Children’s Bookshelf, Comics World, Religion BookLine, Global Rights Report, PW Must Reads, Preview for Librarians, Book It! and the BookLife Report provide daily, weekly, semiweekly, semimonthly and monthly information to targeted, opt-in audiences.
PW’s worldwide circulation gives you total reach when you need it, including reach into its growing consumer segment. No other source is as widely subscribed to for information about the publishing industry. With this service, your book appears in:
- Publishers Weekly’s print and digital edition
- the home page of
- the home page of
- BookLife’s weekly email newsletter to 23,000 recipients
- BookLife’s Twitter and Facebook channels
Plus you receive:
- a six month digital subscription to Publishers Weekly
- a one year digital subscription to Publishers Weekly’s PW Select monthly supplement
- a free copy of the Publishers Weekly print issue in which your listing appears
BookLife Reviews
A BookLife Review is a respectful, knowledgeable 300-word review of your book that includes a variety of marketing insights and useful information, all crafted by a professional Publishers Weekly reviewer who is an expert in the genre or field of your book.
The mission of BookLife Reviews is to support indie authors and publishers through one of the most challenging parts of self-publishing: marketing the finished book. An honest and detailed review from BookLife Reviews highlights your book’s strengths and analyzes its potential for reaching an audience while giving you a valuable assessment of ways that future editions or future books can be made even better. Our insights help you target your marketing efforts to the readers who are most likely to enjoy your book. Marketing can be complicated and daunting; your BookLife Review will help to guide you through.
Each BookLife review consists of:
- Three full paragraphs (about 300 words) of plot summary, critique, and analysis of your book, including an assessment of which readers are most likely to enjoy the book.
- An honest, positive one-sentence takeaway that summarizes the reviewer’s opinion of the book’s best aspects and likely audience.
- Comparison (comp) titles and/or authors.
- Letter grades (from A+ to C) for five production elements: cover art, interior design and typography, illustrations (if applicable), editing, and marketing copy.
BookTrib knows how to get a book to stand out and shine in a crowded marketplace. They refueled the fire of my debut thriller and were indispensable in the launch of my latest, and everyone at BookTrib is super nice to boot!
Syndicated Column to 2,000 Newspapers
With BookTrib’s “BookBites” syndicated column, everybody everywhere will be reading about your book. “BookBites” will highlight four exciting books from new and emerging authors each month and reach millions of readers around the country. The syndicated column includes a short synopsis about your book plus a book cover image and is distributed to 2,000 newspapers.
Book Trailers by Book2Video
Bring your story to life!
See book trailer samples here.
Sell Sheet
We create a professional sell sheet for your book, containing all relevant sales information.
Sell sheets are an integral part of marketing your book.
NY Post Showcase Ad
Be featured in BookTrib’s bimonthly full-color showcase of new releases and recommended reads.
TV Interviews Around the Country
One-on-one remote interviews with you on primary network morning shows in 23 markets around the U.S.
- All markets together total 250,000 viewers.
- Pick as many markets as you like.
- Purchase in clusters by region, by viewership, or the cities of your choice.
- Professional on-air hosts conduct the interviews, which take place remotely and run 3 minutes in length.
- Blanket the market and spread the word.
- Use interviews to beef up your own marketing and social media.
Leave it to us to keep you prepared
- You’ll need a press release. We will write it, send it to the stations, and also as a bonus distribute it to 8,000 news outlets.
- Professional Coaching. BookTrib has prepared hundreds of authors for high-profile TV interviews — we can prepare you too.
Facebook Live Interview
BookTrib will conduct author interviews that will appear live on BookTrib’s Facebook page and will remain on the page for subsequent viewing.
- Pre- and post-promotion
- Hosted by a BookTrib facilitator
- Engage with readers, respond to their questions
- Use the interview in your own marketing and promotion
Dedicated eBlast to 15,000 Readers
BookTrib creates a dedicated promo for your book that is sent directly to the inboxes of more than 15,000 hungry readers.
- Dedicated branding – the entire content is about your book
- Passionate audience – readers eager for new ideas about what to read
- Expert marketing – we know how to tailor your message
Inclusion in the Gatekeeper Press Newsletter
Your book will be highlighted in the “New Releases” section of our newsletter, which goes out to 10,000+ subscribers.
Gatekeeper Press Influencer Status Program
Enjoy free social media cross-promotion on all our platforms and earn $200 for every author you refer to us who signs up for our services!