Does Your Manuscript Spark Joy?

Editing the KonMari way Hello, Gatekeeper Press community! I’m thrilled to begin this new collaboration with Gatekeeper Press. As an author, editor, and book coach, I’ve spent years helping writers transform their raw manuscripts into polished masterpieces. I’ve been...

Writing the End Is Just the Beginning

Writing the End Is Just the Beginning Social media marketing in today’s digital age has become an essential tool for published authors to reach a wider audience and increase book sales. With the rise of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and...
How To Get Your Book in Stores

How To Get Your Book in Stores

If you are an aspiring author, you are no doubt propelled by the thrill of seeing your book on a Barnes & Noble bookshelf someday. As exciting as this prospect appears, this isn’t quite so easy to accomplish in real life — although definitely not impossible! Allow...
Can You Publish a Book Anonymously?

Can You Publish a Book Anonymously?

There is something mysterious about a book that was written under a nom de plume, or pen name. For whatever reason, the author using a pen name has made the decision to keep his or her true identity hidden. Can you publish a book anonymously? Yes, absolutely! There...