Anyone who has ever attempted to write their first book already knows how flabbergasting a process writing can be. Along with the perceived benefits, such as working from anywhere, setting your own schedule, and having a creative outlet, there are plenty of challenges with the author territory. In fact, the glamorous perception of a writer’s life is likely to be vastly different from the realities of the actual vocation.
For example, how many friends and family members picture you seated at a mahogany desk, facing out a picture window while typing furiously away at your latest novel? With much envy, they conjure up a snapshot of your writing endeavors in their imaginations, with zero ideas of what a day in a writer’s life looks like. Cue the noisy gardener, kids, phone, and various other distractions while you stare at a blank screen with absolutely no idea of what to type.
In that vein, let’s take a look at some hilarious and relevant writer memes for a nice chuckle. Surely many of these author memes will have you nodding, laughing, and sharing with fellow writers. Enjoy!
20 Hilarious Author Memes that Perfectly Encapsulate What Writers Go Through
1. Nonexistent Book Catalog

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In your mind, you see a long list of book titles you are for sure going to get to, but somehow the reality doesn’t seem to reflect that.
2. She’s a Writer

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A little quirky? Ok, yes, we writers sometimes do get a bad rap.
3. Audacity To Be a Writer

Meme courtesy of Bryan Hutchinson
Fear is the author’s number one barrier to success! Conquer fear and complete your manuscript.
4. Writer Expectations

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A perfect rendition of the life of a writer as viewed through various prisms.
5. Screwed Either Way

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Some very famous authors have well-known reputations as, shall we say, oddballs.
6. One Day

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Oh, that dastardly second page! Sometimes it just needs to be coaxed out of you.
7. Novelist’s Inspiration

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Novelists seek inspiration from all around them. Don’t be surprised if you become the basis of a great character.
8. Sensitive Bunch

Meme courtesy of Bill Platt
Oh, yes, we writers are a sensitive bunch! Please say you liked my book, pretty please.
9. “Constructive” Feedback

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Say what?! Nothing is more humbling than receiving “constructive” feedback from an editor.
10. You Should Be Writing

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All authors are guilty of procrastination…hey, it’s part of the creative process. We must mull ideas over before putting pen to paper. But that little voice in our head reminds us to get on with it already.
11. Blank Stare

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Novelists get it! Sometimes all those great ideas get stuck inside your head.
12. I Don’t Know

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Nonfiction writers can relate—especially when you are supposedly an expert in the field you are writing about!
13. Just Keep Writing

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As author Anne Lamott says, just write something every single day.
14. Writer’s Block

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Oh boy, we know that stupefied look all too well. The lights are on, but nobody’s home.
15. Half-finished Novels > Friends

Novel writing meme courtesy of
Even with all that writing talent, we writers seem to lack that whole stick-to-itness thing.
16. Kill the Character

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Yep, sometimes you have to sacrifice a lousy go-nowhere character for the good of the manuscript. Ouch.
17. Try Self-publishing

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Well, if only it were that easy, right? Why not give self-publishing a whirl?
18. It’s Fantasy

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Says no fantasy writer, ever…but you can dream.
19. When You Finish Your Book

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Getting lost in your manuscript? Yes, getting from page one to The End can seem to be a lifetime. But you’re one step closer to becoming an author!
20. “Affect” VS “Effect”

Meme courtesy of
Let’s face it, no matter how good a writer we might be, we all get tripped up from time to time and just need a good proofreader.
Writer Memes are Funny But Writing a Book is Serious Business
A little humor is a great way to smooth out some of the bumps along the road to authorship. But when you’re ready to buckle down and tackle the serious business of self-publishing, you’ll need some editing talent in your back pocket. Just enjoy writing your amazing book, and when it’s finished, go ahead pass the manuscript off to the master editors at Gatekeeper Press.