Whether you are about to enter the halls of higher education for the first time or returning to school in mid-life for a second degree, you may consider becoming a creative writing major. At first glance, being a creative writing major may not seem like a practical choice, but take a deeper look, and you will find a creative writing degree is quite versatile. This handy guide will help answer your inquiries about what you can do with a creative writing degree and whether a creative writing degree is worth the investment.

What Can You Do With a Creative Writing Degree?

Think about how we humans communicate our thoughts, opinions, and basic information through the written word. In the information era, writing skills are an increasingly valuable asset. In fact, a wide variety of professions welcome recruits who hold a creative writing degree.

As you ponder the question, “Is a creative writing degree worth it?” consider this wide range of career possibilities:

Content Writer

Most websites today include a blog, which provides the site with fresh content on a regular basis. The blog is an important function of search engine optimization (SEO), increasing the company’s reach online. A content writer is tasked with researching blog topics and then crafting the post. Content writers also add and update a website’s content as needed.


A copywriter is typically part of a marketing team, whether at a company or an advertising agency. The copywriter is responsible for writing the copy for a broad range of marketing materials, such as web content, brochures, flyers, whitepapers, educational content, and other marketing collateral.

Social Media Manager

Social media platforms have become a key piece of any company’s marketing strategy today. Many businesses now employ a social media manager to create and manage content on various social media sites, such as Facebook and Instagram (Meta), Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Email Marketing Specialist

Email marketing has become the holy grail for sales and marketing campaigns. Companies hire direct marketing specialists to cultivate email lists and create content for regular email ad campaigns or newsletters to increase sales.


The editor position can refer to a few different types of positions that relate to editing content. For example, a news outlet editor plans the editorial calendar and oversees the copy produced by journalists. There are also book editors who review, revise, and refine author manuscripts and copy editors who edit content for marketing departments.

Freelance Writer

A freelance writer works as an independent contractor, seeking out projects that interest them. Freelancers often start their careers by creating profiles on sites like Upwork or Fiverr. They peruse the job listings and write proposals for jobs that fit their skills and interests. Examples of these jobs include writing blogs and whitepapers, creating video scripts, grant writing, and creating web page content.


Most creative writers aspire to author books, but this goal may take a while to realize unless the writer is independently wealthy. Authors are wise to start their writing careers as freelancers so they can chip away at their first book or short story collection while still earning a steady living.

Pros & Cons of Getting a Creative Writing Degree

A college degree requires an investment of time and treasure. If you are considering the pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in creative writing or an advanced degree like a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing or a doctorate, you probably want to first review the pros and cons of earning such a degree:


  • Learn valuable skills. A college creative writing program teaches essential skills that will be incredibly valuable when you enter your writing career. Skills such as time management, the craft of creative writing, and writing mechanics will be deeply ingrained by the time you are handed your diploma.
  • Earn a college degree. Not all people who work as writers hold college degrees, so by earning a degree in creative writing, you set yourself on a higher bar. Having a degree provides you with more career options and higher pay.
  • You will be part of a community. As you hone your writing chops in college, you will do so within a community of creative writing students. Input from your college peers provides valuable feedback and is a source of inspiration.


  • May receive pushback. Some of your friends and relatives may question your decision to pursue a creative writing degree. They may wonder what value, if any, this type of degree offers. If so, just share this blog with them!
  • College can be pricey. From a practical standpoint, going to college can be expensive. If you are able, try to pay for college without racking up huge amounts of student loan debt. Apply for scholarships and find a part-time job opportunity to keep costs under control.
  • Takes time. Some creative writing career options, such as freelance writing or writing books, take a lot of hard work and time before paying off. For these pursuits, you must plan to cultivate your career over several years…so do not quit your day job.

Is a Creative Writing Degree Worth It?

Now that you are well-versed in what you can do with a creative writing degree, it is time for the million-dollar question: Is a creative writing degree worth it?

The answer is a resounding, “Yes!” A creative writing degree provides a solid foundation upon which to explore a variety of genres and styles. A degree in creative writing also offers a nice range of career possibilities, and writing courses give you transferable skills for a successful career.

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