Are you a financial planner with a proven track record? A certified public accountant with an eagle eye? A savvy investor? Maybe your area of expertise is management, business leadership, or tech start-ups. If you have a particular business skill set and believe your know-how can help others succeed as well, writing a business book may seem like a no-brainer.

The truth is, however, that business book writing does take a certain level of skill and planning. If you’ve decided to inspire others in your field by sharing your business acumen in a book, this guide is for you. We aim to help those who wonder how to write a bestselling book by sharing these eight essential steps to achieving publishing success.

How to Write a Business Book: 8 Steps to Success

When you set out to tackle writing your business book idea, you should approach it with the same tenacity that you would any other business project. To learn how to write a business book, follow these 8 steps:

  1. Pick Your Target Audience. Just as you would analyze your target market prior to launching any business service, the same holds true when writing a business book. To define your target readers, you’ll want to decide who you want to reach (a certain industry, lay people, start-ups, small business owners, CEOs?), what they need to learn to meet their business goals, and how you can help them.
  2. Choose a Topic. When tackling a nonfiction book, it’s always best to write about your specific area of expertise. A successful business book author will have firsthand knowledge in the field and also have experienced a certain level of success. Select your topic based on what you feel confident writing about.
  3. Write an Outline. Before starting your business book project, create a chapter-by-chapter outline. First, make a list of the chapters. Then, for each chapter, define its thesis statement, the chapter goal, the key points you wish to cover, and any research or anecdotes to support them. Taking the time to write an outline will help the writing process remain organized and cohesive, especially for a first-time author.
  4. Set Writing Goals. If you opt for the self-publishing route, you’ll be setting your own benchmarks and writing goals, versus a publisher setting those for you. Count the number of chapters you have outlined and the estimated final target word count to set some realistic writing goals.
  5. Create a Writing Schedule. Once you have determined your goals, it’s time to create a writing habit that keeps you on track to finish the manuscript. To establish a writing habit, determine the best time of the day to write and then make a daily writing goal, such as a specific word count or to complete a chapter. 
  6. Write First Draft. Now that outline you made earlier comes in quite handy. To write your first draft, just follow the outline and expound on the various points you designated for each chapter. Find a tone or voice that is natural, but also appropriate to your ideal reader. Avoid getting sidetracked with editing at this stage. Instead, place your focus on just getting the words down.
  7. Come Up with a Title. If you haven’t already come up with a title, this is the time to do so. Create a title that alludes to the content, the target audience, or the industry. Aim for a catchy or even humorous title, and most definitely avoid a bland one. Use the subtitle to communicate a clear description of the content of your business book. 
  8. Post-Writing Tasks. This step involves enlisting the help of a professional editor and some beta readers, both of whom will provide meaningful feedback. Before taking that step, be sure to self-edit your manuscript so it will be presentable enough to pass along to the editor and beta readers. After the final editing, the book will be ready for publication, using either traditional publishing or self-publishing.

Business Book Writing Tips

Remember that your book is a reflection of you and your business expertise. For that reason alone you’ll want to create the most professional, well-crafted book possible. The following actions will help to ensure the success of your business book endeavor: 

Be Unique

When embarking on business book writing, it is important to be aware of your competition. Decide how your book will stand out from this crowded field and be worth reading.

Have a Clear Goal

Setting a target completion date helps your writing move along at a good clip. Adhere to your writing habit, stay on topic, and keep your goal in sight in order to successfully achieve it. 

Read Popular Business Books

Stay on top of the bestsellers within the business genre, and especially those in your niche. Take the time to read bestselling business books, as they provide important insights into today’s market trends.

Get Feedback from Others

Beta readers can be especially valuable for helping you gauge what might be missing, so you can add it to the manuscript, or to further expound on the areas you are getting right.

Work with Gatekeeper Press to Publish Your Business Book

If you want to learn how to write a bestselling business book, but frankly do not have the publishing acumen to pull it off, why not enlist the help of the editing pros at Gatekeeper Press. Featuring a full roster of editing services, formatting, and cover design, the experts at Gatekeeper Press can guide you through the entire book writing process. If you decide to self-publish, they will distribute your book on a wide array of bookseller platforms. Reach out to us online today!

Click to tweet: Wondering how to write a business book that sells? This guide shares all the steps you need to know to get started. Happy writing! #businessbooks