If you happen to have a particular talent for weaving short-yet-compelling stories, you might consider self-publishing a short story collection. Short story collections are regularly sought out by avid readers who thirst for concise storytelling that is digestible in...
The verb, to write, refers to the act of stringing words together in order to coherently communicate thoughts or information. But the act of writing and being a talented writer may be worlds apart. A writer is an individual who employs technical writing skills and...
Adding a prologue and/or epilogue to your novel should be approached with care. Where the prologue can add a bit of backstory and an epilogue can help tie up loose ends, these tools don’t always add to the quality of a story. In fact, if not used judiciously, a...
When authoring a piece of fiction, one of the most exciting aspects of the endeavor is creating the rich, interesting characters that will populate the work. In fact, without a stable of well-sketched round and flat characters, regardless of how exciting or compelling...
If you are well into writing your first novel, you may begin to wonder, “How many words are in a typical novel, anyway?” While the word count of a novel is somewhat flexible, it is good to be aware of industry norms for word count ranges in your particular genre....
Writers know that no matter how compelling/mesmerizing/thrilling their story arc is, it’s actually the characters that provide the rocket fuel necessary to propel it. Readers invest emotionally with the characters, forging a connection that keeps them engaged with the...