How to Write a Book Proposal that Agents Can’t Resist

How to Write a Book Proposal that Agents Can’t Resist

If you are a nonfiction writer hoping to land a book deal with a traditional publishing house, you will need to write a book proposal as part of the query process. A book proposal’s purpose is to obtain an agent for your book project, much like how a business plan is...
Ultimate List of 100+ Character Flaws for Writing

Ultimate List of 100+ Character Flaws for Writing

The idea of the “perfect” person is intriguing. The perfect hair, job, family — the list goes on! Nonetheless, reading about perfect characters is boring! Characters tend to be much more interesting when they have that one (or more than one!) fatal flaw that adds to...

Vonnie Galligher Author Q&A

1. When did you first know you wanted to be a writer? I believe in my heart that I always wanted to be writer. I had started writing dramatic romance novels in my spare time when I was in my early 20’s. I wanted to write like Danielle Steele, she was my favorite...
How to Become a Full-Time Writer (& Ditch Your Day Job)

How to Become a Full-Time Writer (& Ditch Your Day Job)

There is much mystique surrounding the image of a professional writer. We conjure up a mental picture of Ernest Hemmingway tugging on a cigar as he sails the Caribbean under a blazing sun. We imagine him returning to a tiny bungalow on the island of Cuba, furiously...