You’ve always had an excellent grasp on language mechanics, the nuts and bolts of spelling, syntax, punctuation, and structure. You probably aced your English classes and may even have years of blogging experience. Now that you are wrapping up your first manuscript,...
Pretty much everyone loathed grammar in school, right? All those nitty-gritty rules about syntax and punctuation were enough to make your eyes cross. For self-publishing authors who were able to stay awake during language arts and composition classes, and retained...
Think of your eBook as a gift, something with immense value to anyone who might venture to read it. Now consider the gift wrap, i.e., the eBook’s cover. The eyes have a way of sorting through images and moving towards those that encompass just the right blend of...
Publishing a book can sometimes make you feel lost like you don’t know what to do next. With so many options and so much self-publishing advice, it’s hard to know where to start. Self-publishing is essentially DIY book publishing–and that means every publishing...
Every self-published author makes mistakes when publishing their first book—it’s unavoidable! Even seasoned self-published authors sometimes experience a blunder or two during the self-publishing process. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare as best you can! Learn...
You’ve written a book — congratulations! So what comes after writing “The End?” No matter your genre or experience level, the answer is always the same: editing your book. While it might seem daunting, editing your book before publication is crucial. Like a great...