1. What inspired you to begin your publishing journey?

I had finally gotten the book to organize itself so it seemed like a good time. And it was a full moon.

2. What led you to choose the self-publishing route vs. traditional publishing?

The book is allegorical, metaphorical, rambling, and very strange. But then so is life, so that’s all right. There is nothing traditional about this book, so I knew a traditional publisher wouldn’t know what to do with it. Self-publishing allowed us to do exactly what we wanted.

3. How did you select Gatekeeper Press as your publishing family?

I looked at many self-publishers, and Gatekeeper was the best. The book is unusual in its formatting, and I saw that Gatekeeper could help it arrange itself into a proper book.

4. Were there any moments during your publishing journey where your expectations differed from the actual process?

No, it was really excellent. They responded to everything we asked, I was very happy.

5. What aspects of the process did you find most enjoyable?

Seeing the book come alive.

6. What challenges did you encounter during your publishing journey?

The challenge was that we had unusual and complex formatting, but Gatekeeper made every little thing the way we asked, including darkening specific lines, giving a finished look to the illustrations, modifying the graphics, keeping the spacing and indenting correct, it was just a wonderful and creative experience to work with them.

7. Would you change anything if you could do it all over again?


8. What were the most surprising aspects of self-publishing with Gatekeeper Press?

How magical and Goblin Queen-esque the book came out.

9. Would you recommend fellow authors self-publish with Gatekeeper Press?


10. With your dream book a reality, what goals do you aspire to achieve with your story?

To share it with anyone who has ever felt out of place or who wanted to find their own path in life.



Please share your website/social media links.

Amazon book page: https://a.co/d/6jji7vy

Instagram: @goblin.queen3