You might be wondering, “What is world-building?” Although global leaders may be busying themselves with efforts to build a better real world, authors understand world-building as a product of pure imagination. World-building is an integral piece of the science...
So, you’ve decided to write a book! Now it’s time to figure out what book genre is the best for you. For some writers, this is obvious. You might already have an idea that fits into one genre. For others, it can be a challenge to figure out. Sometimes the...
Have you been toying with the idea of writing a book series, but have no idea how to actually pull it off? Indeed, your mind envisions a riveting series, brimming with ingenious plot twists and fascinating characters, but before jumping in, you just need a little...
Publishing a book is a big achievement — one that several aspiring authors strive for throughout their lifetimes. But when push comes to shove, and an author needs support, they look to ghostwriters. What are ghostwriters? And how much does a ghostwriter cost? This...
That blank Word document looms large on your computer screen. It almost seems to taunt you — go ahead, try to write something, anything. If you are in the midst of writing a book but are plagued with a bad case of writer’s block, you are no doubt feeling a bit...
The idea of the “perfect” person is intriguing. The perfect hair, job, family — the list goes on! Nonetheless, reading about perfect characters is boring! Characters tend to be much more interesting when they have that one (or more than one!) fatal flaw that adds to...