Whether it is remodeling a bathroom or learning graphic design, our culture is increasingly embracing a do-it-yourself (DIY) mindset. Instead of sitting passively, waiting for opportunities to fall into our lap, we seize the reins and make life happen on our own...
If you are lucky enough to be a rock star in the kitchen, the idea of sharing your skills with others may inspire you to publish your cookbook. Sharing these culinary delights with a mass audience just makes sense, as people are always hungry for novel recipe ideas....
What writer doesn’t dream of being published by an established legacy publishing house? Don’t we all long to see a well-known publisher’s logo brandished boldly on our books? But the harsh reality of publishing is that very, very few writers are ever offered a...
As you put the finishing touches on your manuscript, you should think about how you’re going to launch your book. Your main concern is going to be weighing the options of self-publishing vs. traditional publishing. Both are proven effective methods for successful...
We are all quite familiar with the striped little code edged in a series of numbers that appears on most of the items we purchase. Different products have slightly different variations of these digital fingerprints, but the purpose of them is the same — to provide an...
If you are rounding the bend and approaching the end of your book project, you are likely considering the next steps to getting your manuscript published. If you have decided to take the traditional publication route, you will need to first learn the answer to this...