Agents of Karma: Debt to Pay 1. What inspired you to begin your publishing journey? I wanted to share my stories with others. It makes me happy imagining someone is getting enjoyment out of something I created. 2. What led you to choose the self-publishing route vs....
Short Stories from Life in the Milky Way 1. What inspired you to begin your publishing journey? I have written two science fiction books and felt I wanted to write another sci-fi book that could be read on a smart phone. My new book Short Stories from Life in the...
If you are an aspiring author, you are no doubt propelled by the thrill of seeing your book on a Barnes & Noble bookshelf someday. As exciting as this prospect appears, this isn’t quite so easy to accomplish in real life — although definitely not impossible! Allow...
There is something mysterious about a book that was written under a nom de plume, or pen name. For whatever reason, the author using a pen name has made the decision to keep his or her true identity hidden. Can you publish a book anonymously? Yes, absolutely! There...
Your masterpiece is finally completed! After pouring your heart and soul into your first foray into authorship, you are ready to embark on the self-publishing journey. So, now the big question that looms before you: paperback vs. hardcover? Hardcover books are still...
For all the books we may have read during our lifetimes, we probably haven’t paid much attention to the actual parts that, collectively, comprise the interior content of books. From the title page that launches the front matter to the index or bibliography that...