Where Authors are Family
100% royalties
100% ownership rights
100% satisfaction guarantee
Dedicated one-on-one support
Worldwide distribution in perpetuity
Select a package below…
Premium Children's
Picture Book Package
- to include Cover Design + Hardcover + Paperback + eBook Distribution
- One-on-One Author Manager Relationship
- Phone Support & Faster Response Times
- Quicker Publication Timelines
- 5% Discount on Author Copies
- 5% Discount on Editing Services
- 5% Discount on Illustrations
- Bonus perks (full list here)
Base Children's
Picture Book Package
- to include Cover Design + Hardcover + Paperback + eBook Distribution
- One-on-One Author Manager Relationship
- Phone Support & Faster Response Times
- Quicker Publication Timelines
- 5% Discount on Author Copies
- 5% Discount on Editing Services
- 5% Discount on Illustrations
- FREE bonus perks
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Gatekeeper Press?
Our authors and publishers earn 100% of their royalties and retain 100% of their rights. Our distribution networks reach readers all over the world.
We accept all genres from fiction and nonfiction to children's books and everything in between. Our services are a la carte, so you can have us design your cover or edit your manuscript without publishing your book.
How long does your process take?
This is dependent on which service(s) you sign up for and whether you've chosen our expedited option. Please see this article for a full breakdown of how long it takes to create, design, edit, publish, and update books.
Will I maintain the rights to my book?
Do you accept books with images or graphics?
Yes, and at no extra charge. Please see Cover, Images & Illustrations for information about publishing books with photos, illustrations, charts, and other graphics.
Who determines my book's price and other metadata?
You do. Authors set their book's price, description, keywords, genre, and other metadata information before publishing. (You have the ability to make changes to your metadata after publishing, too.)
Where will you sell my book?
Gatekeeper works with all of the major eBook and print distributors (including Amazon and Barnes & Noble) as well as library wholesalers. You can see a more detailed list of our retail partners here.
Can I review my book before it's published?
Yes. Once your eBook and/or print interior has been created, you can review it and note any required changes.