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Science Fiction Authors Love Gatekeeper Press!

I wanted to reach out and let you know that Jessica Bushore is an outstanding person at Gatekeeper. Jessica was extremely important in the success of my book Deep Hell. She took it upon herself to make things great…
Bruce Alterman
Deep Hell

Can’t say enough good things about author manager Sarah Spencer and the entire team at Gatekeeper Press. They are so professional and so easy to work with. They did an awesome job helping me realize a lifelong dream in publishing the story that’s been in my head for such a long time. Thank you so very much!
David Gerspach

Astonishingly, Welkyrie, my first novel, is actually available on Amazon and Kindle, among other retailers. Yukiko Schlotter and team at Gatekeeper have been a crucial part of making it happen. I highly recommend Gatekeeper.
Helmut Fritz